Cynthiana Vision Wins St. Patrick’s Day Lunch!


Cythinana Vision and Q-2100 Technician Angel Miller were selected as the winners of the St. Patrick’s Day Lunch event sponsored by Optical Dynamics. A self-professed “comic book geek”, animal lover, and artist, Angel donned a tiny St. Paddy’s day hat for the festivities.

Located in Cynthiana, Kentucky, Angel has been the primary operator since the practice purchased the Q-2100 Digital Lens System in 2003. When asked what she likes best about the technology she shared, “turnaround time for a patient’s order is phenomenal!”

At Cynthina Vision they have a reputation for just in time delivery of eyewear. Angel shared a story about a customer’s experience; “bad weather was coming, and a patient needed to travel out of state. With our onsite system, we were able to get his lenses in a day, and he was able to avoid the snowstorm in his travels.”