Disarm Your Competition


Establish Your Market Position – With your Q-2100 Digital Lens System and nanoCLEAR AR unit, you are the most advanced optical location in your area. Use this to your maximum advantage by letting everyone know. Review your advertising, recall notices and patient handouts and tell them about your leadership position.

Faster Service – Look at your past service level from your patient’s point of view. How do you stack up against the competition? With the purchase of your digital lens system and nanoCLEAR AR unit, you can now offer the fastest service in town. In fact, you are the only one that can offer same day AR…not even the biggest guys in town can do that. Use it to make the buying experience at your location more convenient than anywhere else. Broken lens…no problem, change in Rx…no problem, heading out of town and need them today…no problem! Capitalize on your new ability and your patients will remember and tell their friends.

Better Lenses – You are not only using the newest technology, you are producing some of the best lenses available. clearLIGHT lenses offer your patients a new level in clarity of vision. By processing lenses directly from the liquid plastic to the finished Rx utilizing free form molds, you have eliminated the visual noise inherent in all other lenses. Your patients will see better and have increased confidence in your practice and your staff. Your competitors can’t touch your quality at any price.

Better Photochromics – You now have the sunSMART II photochromic lens that provides maximum patient comfort in all light conditions…your competition doesn’t. sunSMART II lightens faster and will continue to perform with the same vigor even after extended use. Your photochromic has the photochromic material throughout the lens. The lens carried by your competitors does not. Differentiate yourself and you will stand out.

No Expensive Lens Inventory – The irrefutable law of business is that the lowest cost producer wins. You are now the lowest cost producer. Evaluate your stock and then get rid of it. It represents idle cash that can be put to better use. Your staff will sell and your patients will buy what you make and feature. Your patients want the best vision possible and if it isn’t clearLIGHT PLUS they are sacrificing visual acuity. Help them see better than ever before.

Everyone Can Operate It – Take advantage of the technology and cross-train your employees. Make sure everyone knows how it works and is comfortable making lenses. Your competition needs his highly skilled lab tech to complete a job. If the tech is off, the customer has to wait. Not at your practice…the customer can always get their eyewear when needed. That’s the kind of service they will tell a friend about.