Dispensing Glass

Did you know Optical Dynamics’ partner lab Vision Dynamics Laboratory is the largest independent glass lens processor in the U.S.?

Read a Q&A on dispensing glass as shared in Eyecare Business

Question: Are there restrictions on using glass lenses?

Answer: In general, most people benefit from the superior visual clarity provided by glass lenses. In higher prescriptions, the dispense and customer must manage the frame dimensions. Glass lenses are usually contra-indicated for children, those patients participating in high-impact activities or anyone who has limited vision in one eye. Mike Yager, Vision Dynamics Lab.

Question: Does dispensing glass lenses present any particular challenges in fitting or processing?

Answer: Processing glass lenses presents some interesting challenges for labs. As a glass lens processor yo must have specific equipment dedicated to only processing glass. The lab mus also have people experienced in processing glass which is quite different than plastic. Each index has its own characteristics and nuances including how lenses are chem-hardened at the end of the process. Because of this only a handful of labs are comfortable or skilled in processing glass. Mike Yager, Vision Dynamics Lab