In-House Lens Production Provides Freedom


Crystal Vision Optical in Saskatchewan Canada, owned by James Hollstein, licensed optician, added the Q-2100 Digital Lens System and nanoCLEAR AR in 2006. When asked what he liked best about the technology, he responded “freedom”. “I now have freedom from the big labs for 90% of my lens sales,” he shared. “Most orders are complete same day and my in house lab costs are low enough to compete in any market and still make a profit,” he added.

The onsite lens production also adds a level of service, not readily available at other optical locations in the area. When asked to share a success story, Hollstein detailed, “A man and his wife wanted two pairs of glasses each. They were all progressives. They each wanted sunglasses. They were amazed that all their glasses were ready the next day and they impressed with service we can provide with our Optical Dynamics system.”