Opti-Lenses Laboratoire located in Montreuil France, a suburb of Paris, serves dual roles as a central lab for their company owned retail chain and a process house for stock lens orders to independent optical retailers.
In its role as a central lab, Opti-Lens services six retail locations under the First Optic Group. The ability to provide custom processed digital AR progressives with just-in-time delivery was key in their decision to add the technology to their lab.
As a stock lens house, Opti-Lens carries single vision and progressive lenses in several indexes in both clear and photochromic. Optical locations in Paris Metro are numerous, but most are very small run by an optician owner for very personalized service. Positioning their stock lens business just outside Paris metro allows for quick delivery to all 20 districts.
Posted on 05/22/2014 at 02:15 AM